




Q1. Maximum assistance in Agri clinic and Agribusiness Centres (ACABC) scheme for a group of five members?

  • 50 lakh
  • 75 lakh
  • 100 lakh
  • 40 lakh
  •  20 lakhs

Q2. FPO/FPC assistance in priority sector lending?

  • 0.5 crore
  • 50 lakhs
  • 5 crore
  • 1 crore
  • 10 crore


Q3. What is the scientific name of Sal?

  • Saraca asoca
  • Shorea robusta
  • Dalbergia sissoo
  • Spathodea campanulata
  •  Adansonia digitata



Q4. Urfa disease in Rice is due to?

  • Deficiency of Nitrogen
  • Deficiency of Zinc
  • Attack of bacteria
  • Attack of Nematode
  • Attack of fungus



Q5. Empty plastic drum used in cage culture for?

  • Cage cover
  • Floating
  • Feed
  • Covering material
  • Sinker


Q6. Scientific name of grass carp?

  • Cyprinus carpio
  • Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
  • Ctenopharyngodon idella
  • Carassius carassius
  • Osphronemus gouramy



Q7. 100 days rural employment guarantee scheme? (a) Deendayal Antyoday Yojana- National Rural Livelihood

  • Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)
  • National Career Service (NCS)
  • Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)


Q8. Parturition in rabbit is known as?

  • Lambing
  • Kidding
  • Kindling
  • Calving
  • Farrowing



Q9. What is the minimum germination percentage of certified seed of Onion?

  • 70
  • 75
  • 60
  • 65
  • 80


Q10. Red delicious is a variety of?

  • Strawberry
  • Date Palm
  • Apple
  • Cherry
  • Plum


Q11. Unwinding of silk cocoon which make uniform threads is known as?

  • Stifling
  • Reeling
  • Deflossing
  • Riddling
  • Stripping



Q12. Harvesting of Baby corn at which stage?

  • 2-3 days after tasseling
  • Milking stage
  • 2-3 days after silking
  • At full maturity of plant
  • All of these



Q13. Which of the following is not among five statutory board under Ministry of Commerce?

  • Tea Board
  • Spice board
  • Tobacco Board
  • Cardamom Board
  • Rubber Board


Q14. Which among the following is a vector of Little leaf of Brinjal?

  • Aphid
  • White fly
  • Leaf hopper
  • Thrips
  • Nematode


Q15. Oestrous cycle in sheep?

  • 14-18 days
  • 19-20 days
  • 20-21 days
  • 21 days
  • 23 days


Q16. After harvesting make the fruit skin feel attractive for consumer with effect of ethylene gas to degrade chlorophyll?

  • Degreening
  • Ripening
  • Precooling
  • Yellowing
  • Maturing


Q17. Citrus species that can only be propagated by means of seed?

  • Sweet Lime
  • Acid lime
  • Rangpur Lime
  • Tahiti lime
  • Rough Lime


Q18. Trees or shrubs which are grown at the joining point of river and sea?

  • Protective forestry
  • Shelter belts
  • Mangrove
  • Recreational forestry
  • Social Forestry



Q19. What is the name of the process by which the cow eat the food and Bring back from stomach and regurgitates previously consumed feed and chews it further?

  • Rumination
  • Insalivation
  • Digestion.
  • Curving
  • Absorption


Q20. Which Himalayan breed found in Jammu kashmir, Himachal Pradesh with long horn, horns curled backward, droopy ears, small teats and colour is white but mostly brown or black and produces fine wool?

  • Sirohi
  • Osmanabadi
  • Gaddi
  • Barbari
  • Marwari


Q21. How many times plant accommodated Quincunx plantation as compared to square system?

  • 1.5
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 0.5



Q22. A process of paddy to prevent the breakage of grain during milling and enhance the nutrients is known as?

  • Dehusking
  • Cleaning
  • Drying
  • Parboiling
  • Milling


Q23. What is Pulsing?

  • Storage of pluses
  • Increase flower vase life
  • Increase mango shelf life
  • Increase vegetable storage/shelf life
  • None of these


Q24. A specialized stem which is produced from the leaf axil at the crown of plant and prostrate horizontally is known as?

  • Runner
  • Sucker
  • Bulb
  • Rhizome
  • Tuber


Q25. GnRH hormone released by?

  • Pituitary
  • Hypothalamus
  • Ovary
  • Pinical
  • Gonads


Q26. In sand type soil in which all type soils are present and clay is less than 15%. What will be the minimum % of sand?

  • 85
  • 70
  • 60
  • 50
  • 40


Q27. Main excretory organ in silkworm larvae is?

  • Duct
  • Malpighian tubules
  • Urethra
  • Trachea
  • Green glands


Q28. Planting of maize for monsoon or rabi season?

  • Ridge planting
  • Flat bed
  • Zero till planting
  • Furrow planting
  • Transplanting


Q29. Long day plants requires photoperiodic length usually for better Flowering?

  • 10-12 hrs
  • 14-18 hrs
  • less than 14 hours
  • 18-24 hrs
  • More than 24 hours



Q30. It is genetic variation that is present in plants regenerated from somatic hybridization by tissue culture in?

  • Somatic hybridization
  • Callus culture
  • Somaclonal variation
  • Somatic embryogenesis
  • Somatic mutation.


Q31. In which form the following viral disease, the skin of the infected larvae becomes shinning before moult and fails to moult. Infected larvae body ruptures easily and turbid white haemolymph ooze out?

  • Pebrine
  • Flacherie
  • Soto disease
  • Grasserrie
  • Jaundice



Q32. Fungus which cause soft rot and leakage of fruit juice from fruits like peaches, sweet potato, strawberry and tomato?

  • Rhizopus sp
  • Eriwinia crotovora
  • Erwinia areola
  • Erwinia crysanthemi
  • Erwinia uredovora




Q33. When two pairs of alleles of different characteristics are crossed the cross is known as?     

  • Monohybrid cross
  • Diploid
  • Dicross hybridization
  • Dihybrid cross
  • Hybrid


Q34. What is KCS in extension?

  • Farmers
  • Research institute
  • Newspaper
  • Govt agencies
  • Exhibition


Q35. It is a species of cactus that is native to Mexico. It is known for its distinctive white hair-like fibers that cover the stem and the areolas also known as old man cactus species?

  • Cephalocereus senilis
  • Oerocem trails
  • Mammillaria
  • Echinocactus
  • Echinocereus


Q36. It is a product made from curd which is made from milk by using rennet enzyme and by adding starter inoculating culture and removing moisture and pressing and cutting?

  • Butter
  • Yoghurt
  • Ghee 
  • Curd
  • Cheese


Q37. Larvae that can be diapause under 15-20 cm below soil surface and cause complex defoliation?

  • Monarch larvae
  • Red hairy caterpillar
  • Tobacco caterpillar
  • Butterfly
  • None of these


Q38. Which among the following is not a characteristic of acid soil ?

  • Presence of Kaolinite and illite
  • High concentration of Al, Fe and deficiency of Ca and Mg
  • More than 0.1% salts
  • Low cation exchange capacity € Low base saturation

Q39. Power generated in the engine cylinder and received by piston without frictional losses?

  • IHP
  • BHP
  • FHP
  • DBHP

Q40. Main part of engine, where ignition of gases and mixture of oil and air takes place and gases get sufficient place to mix air by which engine can produce power?

  • Cylinder
  • Connecting rod
  • Crankshaft
  • Flywheel
  • Camshaft


Q41. Ramsar watershed equation, Q-CIA, where Q is peak discharge, I is intensity of rainfall, A is drainage area, what is C?

  • Runoff coefficient
  • Drainage coefficient
  • Watershed coefficient
  • Erodibility coefficient
  • Dispersal coefficient


Q42. Secondary tillage operation that pulverize the soil for better seed preparation?

  • Ploughing
  • Dibbling
  • Drilling
  • Tilling
  • Harrowing


Q43. Hormone that is involved in making of glycogen to glucose?

  • Glucagen
  • Testosteron
  • Progestron
  • Insulin
  • Somatotropin



Q44. Completely digested crude organic amorphous colloidal substance dark brown black colour, result of decomposition found in soil made by microorganism and helping for plant life?

  • Humus
  • Organic matter
  • Soil colloids
  • Disaccharide
  • Lipid


Q45. The sum of lignin and polysaccharides that are not digested by endogenous secretion of digestive tract?

  • Disaccharide
  • Crude fibre
  • Lipid
  • Monosacchande
  • Starch



Q46. Infection of virus due to which plant leaves converted to pale yellow, tip starts whirling centre and plant shows severe stunted growth and leaf shedding are the symptoms in this disease?

  • Necrosis
  • Wilt
  • Blight
  • Ring spot
  • None of the above


Ans: (Depends upon question language)


Q47. Which finfish contribute maximum to global aquaculture?

  • Silver carp
  • Anchoveta
  • Alaska Pollock
  • Anaebus testudeus
  • Skipjack tuna


Q48. In a combine harvestor, the ratio of reel peripheral speed to forward speed (reel speed index) should normally be in the range of?

  • 1.25 to 1.50
  • 2.00 to 2.50
  • 1.75 to 2.00
  • 3.0-3.25
  • 3.25-3.50


Q49. What are the disadvantages of sexual reproduction?

  • Plants Deep and tap rooted
  • Seeds are viable for long duration
  • Seed propagation is possible only when the vegetative method was
  • Plants are not true to type and inferior
  • Better production


Q50. Organization under UN which give data on food production consumption and hunger related information and this organisation does not export the products?

  • Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)
  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
  • International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
  • Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
  • Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)



Q51. Contraction of uterus of cow after calving is known as?

  • Galactogenesis
  • Involution
  • Galactopiosis
  • Lactation
  • Lactogenesis



Q52. Forest generation through seedling either naturally or artificially is known as?

  • High class forest
  • Pollarding
  • Simple coppicing
  • Woody coppicing
  • None of these


Ans: Coppicing but depends upon question language



Q53. Tree crop with livestock and poultry and/ or fish culture for fulfilling the daily needs of the farmer?

  • Agroforestry
  • Agri silviculture
  • Homestead agroforestry
  • Aqua forestry
  • Agri horticulture



Q54. It is a thresher with threshing unit consisting of hammers or beaters with a closed cylinder casing and concave. It is equipped with a set of oscillating sieves and an aspiratory blower for separation and cleaning of grains?

  • Hammer mill type
  • Rasp bar cylinder
  • Drum type thresher
  • Tooth spike
  • Syndicator type thresher



Q55. Which is an Amide Fertilizer?

  • Urea
  • Ammonium sulphate
  • Calcium nitrate
  • Sodium nitrate
  • Ammonium nitrate


Q56. Removal of the male part without effecting female reproductive part is known as?

  • Pollination
  • Emasculation
  • Tasselling
  • Sporogenesis
  • Denavelling


Q57. Day NRLM, MORD would provide Revolving Fund support to SHGS in existence for a minimum period of 3/6 months and follow norms of good SHGs i.e. known as ‘Panchasutras, viz., regular meetings, regular savings, regular internal lending, regular recoveries and maintenance of proper books of accounts. Only such SHGs that have not received any RF earlier would be provided with RF, as corpus with minimum of and up to a maximum of per SHG.

  • 10,000-15,000
  • 15,000-20,000
  • 25,000-30,000
  • 30,000-50,000
  • None of these



Q58. Ligament and cartilage of mouth, jaw and lip found in?

  • Chondrochytes
  • Gynastomes


Q58. Ligament and cartilage of mouth, jaw and lip found in?

  • Chondrochytes
  • Gynastomes


Q59. Defect in Timber due to defective Seasoning? Defect in wood which causes complete split around knots?

  • Twisting
  • Split Knot
  • End split
  • Cracking


Ans: a or c (Depends upon language)


 Thanks You

Vikas Kashyap

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