Transpiration, Anti-transpirants and thier Types



Transpiration, Anti-transpirants and thier Types

                            "Loss of the water in the form of vapour from the aerial parts of the plants is referred to as Transpiration."

Main organ responsible for Transpiration in plants is Leaf.
About 97-99.5% of the absorbed water by roots is lost by Transpiration and Guttation.

Advantages of Transpiration:-
(a). Ascent of sap by creating force due to Transpiration.
(b). Removal of excess water from plant.
(c). Maintain water balance into the plant.
(d). Maintain temperature (Cooling) on the plant surface.

Disadvantages of Transpiration:-
(a). Wilting of plant due to higher rate of Transpiration than absorbtion of water by roots.
(b). Reduced growth and yield of plant due to wilting.
(c). Due to water stress, plant produces more ABA, which may cause abscission of fruits and leaves.
(d). Loss of energy, which was used in absorption of water through roots 

Anti-transpirants:- Such type of materials/chemicals which reduces the loss of water from the plant surface in the form of Transpiration, is known as Anti-transpirants.

Types of Anti-transpirants:-
1. Stomata Closing Type:- Those type of Anti-transpirants which reduces water loss by closing the stomatas of plant parts. e.g. Atrazine, Phenyl Murcuric Acetate (PMA), ABA and CO2

2. Reflecting Type:- Those type of Anti-transpirants which reduces the leaf temperature by reflecting the radiation from leaf to the atmosphere. Thus, rate of Transpiration is reduced. e.g. Spray of 5% Kaolin.

3. Film Forming Type:- Those type of Anti-transpirants which reduces water loss by forming a thin film on the plant surface as a physical barrier for transpiration. e.g. Silicone, Hexadecanol, Oils and Waxes.

4. Growth Retardents:- Such type of chemicals decreases the shoot growth and increases the root growth of the plant, by which plant absorb more water and can stand into drought conditions. e.g. Cycocel (CCC)

Thank you 💜
Vikas Kashyap:)

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