Principles of Agronomy: Cropping Systems Definition and Types



Principles of Agronomy: Cropping Systems Definition and Types

Cropping Systems
Cropping system refers to the growing combination of crops in the aspects of particular time and space. 

Types of Cropping Systems
1. Mixed Farming 
2. Ratooning 
3. Live Mulch System  
4. Sole Cropping/Solid Planting
5. Monoculture
6. Multiple Cropping 
7. Multi-storeyed/Multi-tired/Multilevel Cropping 
8. Parallel Cropping 
9. Companion Cropping 
10. Synergistic Cropping 
11. Cropping Intensity 
12. Intensive Cropping.

1. Mixed Farming:-  A system of farming on a particular farm which includes crop production, raising livestock, poultry, fisheries, bee keeping etc. 

2. Ratooning:- Taking the crop from the emerged stubbles of the original/previous crop after harvesting and to raise another crop. e.g. Sugarcane, Berseem and Napier etc. 

3. Live Mulch System:- Live mulch crop production involves cultivation of such a crop which act as an established cover crop without tillage, which leads to reduce the soil erosion and soil moisture.
4. Sole Cropping/Solid Planting:- Growing of only one solitary crop in the field in an cropping year. It is opposite of intercropping.

5. Monoculture:- The repetitive growing/continuously growing of the same sole crop on the same land for many cropping years.

6. Multiple Cropping:- Cultivation of more than one crop on the same land in one year.
Types of multiple cropping:-
(a) Intercropping:- Cultivation of two or more crops simultaneously in alternate row pattern on the same land, e.g. Wheat+Mustard (9:1)

(b) Mixed cropping:- Cultivation of two or more crops simultaneously without any row arrangements, seeds are mixed with each other before sowing the crop. e.g. Berseen+Mustard.

(c) Sequential/non-overlapped cropping:- Growing two or more crops in sequence on the same field in a farming year. The succeeding crop is planted just after harvesting of the previous crop. 

(d) Relay/overlapped cropping:- Relay cropping is the special type of cropping in which crop is sown in standing crop before harvesting of the previous crop. e.g. Sowing of the berseem in paddy field before harvesting of paddy.

7. Multi-storied/Multi-tired/Multilevel Cropping:- This type of cropping system refers to the cultivation of various crops at different height in the same time and same field. Mostly practiced in orchard and plantation crops.

8. Parallel Cropping:- Growing of such crops, which have different natural habits and zero competition between each other. e.g. Maize+Greengram

9. Companion Cropping:- Growing of two or more such crops combining at same time and same piece of land, which production per unit area does not differs than their solid or sole sowing/planting. e.g. - Sugarcane+Mustard

10. Synergistic Cropping:- Growing of two or more such crops combining at same time and same piece of land, which production found higher on per unit area than their solid or sole sowing/planting. e.g. Sugarcane+Potato.

11. Cropping Intensity:-  It refers to the growing number of crops in a piece of land per cropping year. Cropping Intensity of India - 142% (data may vary every year)

12. Intensive cropping:- Growing number of crops on the same piece of land during the given period of time. 

Note:- All the pictures included in the blog have been taken from the various internet sources. All the right of the pictures are secured to their owners. Pictures are only used here for the fair use of content for educatioal purpose. 

Thank You💜
Vikas Kashyap:)

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