Role of Plant Nutrients, Deficiency Symptoms, Disorder and Their Available Forms



Role of Plant Nutrients, Deficiency Symptoms, Disorder and Their Available Forms

Role of Nutrients, Deficiency Symptoms, Disorder and Available Forms

(1). Nitrogen
  • Basic component of proteins and chlorophyll (the pigment that gives plants their green colour). 
  • Plays an essential role in plant growth. 
  • Also feeds microorganisms in the soil
  • Lower leaves become yellow and dries.
  • V shaped chlorosis on older leaves or yellowing at tip.
  • Starvation disease due to nitrogen deficiency.
  • Buttoning in cauliflower.
(2). Phosphorous
  • Plays an important role in root growth and promotes the establishment of young plants, flowering, fruiting and ripening, photosynthesis, respiration and overall plant growth.
  • Due to deficiency of single element the life cycle of plant can't be completed hence Phosphorus is called " key of life "
  • Deficiency imparts dark green colour in leaves.
  • Later develops red purple colourration.
  • Sickle leaf diseases.
(3). Potassium
  • Moves through the plant. Promotes the movement of sugars, turgor and stem rigidity.
  •  Also increases the plant’s overall resistance to cold, diseases, insect pests, etc. 
  • Promotes the formation of flower buds, the hardening-off of woody plants and fruiting.
  • Spot of dead tissue at tips.
  • Scorching and burning on margins of autumn leaves.
  • Rottle/ dieback disease.
(4). Calcium
  • It is constituent of cell wall
  • Calcium is a mobile in plants and deficiency symptoms appear on Meristem tip portion.
  • Terminal bud die
  • Tip hooking.
  • Blossom end rot of tomato(BER).
  • Popping in groundnut.
(5). Magnesium
  • An important part of chlorophyll. 
  • Helps fruit ripen and seeds germinate. 
  • Reinforces cell walls and promotes the absorption of phosphorous, nitrogen and sulphur by plants
  • Sand -drown disease of tobacco.
(6). Sulphur 
  • A component of several proteins, enzymes and vitamins. 
  • Contributes to chlorophyll production. 
  •  Helps plants absorb potassium, calcium and magnesium. 
  • Akiochi disease of rice due to Excess of hydrogen sulphide.
  • Tea yellow disease of tea.
(7). Iron
  • Essential to chlorophyll production.
  • Also contributes to the formation of some enzymes and amino acids.
  • Interveinal complete chlorosis.
  • Scorching of leaf margin.
  • Yellowing of iron chlorosis in groundnut.

(8). Manganese 
  • Promotes seed germination and speeds plant maturity. Plays an important role in photosynthesis by contributing to chlorophyll production. Essential for nitrogen assimilation and protein formation.
  • Dead spot on leaves.
  • Marsh spot of pea.
  • Pahala blight of sugarcane.
(9). Copper
  • Compound of plastocyanin.
  • Essential for photosynthesis/ respiration
  • Dieback and reclamation disease of cereals.
(10). Boron
  • Essential to overall plant health and tissue growth. 
  •  Promotes the formation of fruit and the absorption of water
  • It is necessary for translocation of Sugars and is involved in reproduction and germination of pollen.
  • Browning of cauliflower is caused by Boron deficiency.
  • Top sickness of tobacco.
  • Fruit cracking of tomato.
  • Hard fruit of citrus.
  • Hen and chicken disease of grape.

(11). Zinc 
  • Plays an important role in the synthesis of proteins, enzymes and growth hormones.
  • Zn deficiency causes-
  • White bud of maize.
  • Khaira disease of rice.
  • Little leaf of cotton.
  • Mottled leaf of citrus. 
  • Rosette formation.

(12). Cobalt 
  • It is component of Vitamin B
  • It is essential for formation of type of hemoglobin in N-fixing nodule tissue known as leghemoglobin.
  • Act as O2 carrier in roots.
  • Also known as animal protein factor

(13). Molybdenum
  • Essential for nitrogen assimilation by plants and nitrogen fixation by bacteria. 
  • This means that it is needed for the production of nitrogen-based proteins.
  • It is absorbed as molybdate MoO4-2 forms.
  • Whiptail of cauliflower is due to deficiency of Mo.
  • Mo is required for carrot & raphanus for sweetness.
(14). Nickel 
  • Key component of selected enzymes involved in N metabolism and biological N fixation. 
(15). Chlorine 
  • Stimulates photosynthesis

Forms of nutrient element absorbed by plants 

C -  Mainly through leaves - CO2 
H - HOH (Hydrogen from H2O)–H+ 
O - CO2 mainly through leaves – O2-,OH- ,(CO3) 2-
N NH4 + , NO3 
K - K+ 
Ca - Ca2+ 
Mg - Mg2+
S - (SO4)2
Fe - Fe2+ (Ferrous), Fe3+ (Ferric) 
Mn - Mn2+ (Manganous), Mn4+ (Manganic)
Zn - Zn2+ 
Cu - Cu+(Cuprous), Cu2+ (Cupric) 
Co - Co2+ 
Na - Na+ 
Si - Si(OH)4 
Cl - Cl-
B - H3BO3 (Boric acid) H2BO3 (Borate) 
Mo - (MoO4)2-

Thank You
Vikas Kashyap:)

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