General Agriculture Most Important One Liner Questions Series Part- 7

General Agriculture Most Important One Liner Questions Series Part- 7

General Agriculture Most Important One Liner Questions Series Part- 7

  • Light red carnation represent to – Admiration
  • ANOVA table stands for analysis of - Variance
  • Formula of Harvest Index is - Economical yield / Biological yield ×100
  • Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was established in - 1935
  • Who discovered vitamin – Funk
  • “Regur” soil refers to - Black soil
  • Biological active form of glucose is D - form
  • Lodging preventor is - CCC (Cycocel)
  • FAO was started in - 1948
  • Which design is used when fertility gradient is in two direction? LSD
  • International pest is - Schistacerca gregaria
  • Bhoodon movement was started in - 1951
  • Cooperative movement was started by - F. Nicholus (1904)
  • Flared square symptoms are seen in cotton due to the - Spotted Boll Worm
  • Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) is a - Neutral fertilizer
  • Root promoting hormone is - IBA
  • Ooze test is done for detecting - Bacteria
  • First product of urea hydrolysis is - Ammonium Carbamate
  • NABARD was set up on the recommendation of - Siva Raman committee, Narsimhan Committee1982
  • The trade name of BHC is - Grammoxone
  • Who discovered mitocondria - C. Benda (1897)
  • Bt. cotton was discovered in - 1901 Japan by Ishwata
  • The term Cytokinin was proposed by - Letham (1963)
  • Kinetin and Zeatin are the - Cytokonins
  • Photosynthesis is an - Oxidation - Reduction process
  • Largest importer of cut flower in the world is - Germany
  • Gibberellin was discovered for the first time used by - Kurosowa
  • Water soluble vitamin is - Vitamin C
  • Greenhouse effect is also known is - Global warming
  • VAM act as a - Symbiotic association
  • LEISA stand for - Less External Input Sustainable Agriculture
  • Blue Revaluation in India was started during - Fifth five year plan (1970)
  • Who discovered pH concept? – Sorenson
  • DRIS concept given by Beaufils
  • The term ‘Remote Sensing’ was first used in USA
  • Acidity in gram leaves is due to - Malic acid /Oxalic acid
  • Photosynthetic rate is highest in C4 plant.
  • Lock and Key Model was proposed by - Fisher
  • Anti - Sterility vitamin is - Vitamin E
  • Double seed formation in cotton is due to - Pink bollworm
  • Forest conservation act was made in 1980
  • Netural parthenocarpy is found in Banana
  • The termVernalization” was coined by - TD Lysenco
  • Chemical relationship is done between two cells by - Plasmodesmata White revolution was accomplished by which scientist - V. Kurien
  • How much time is needed for sterilization in autoclave? - 15 minutes
  • In which bacterial reproduction phase, virus is involved? – Transduction
  • First plant flower mandi was situated at- BANGLORE
  • Regional Plant resource centre is situated at Bhubaneswar
  • Cultivation of crops in areas where the annual rainfall is less than 750 mm is called - Dry Farming
  • Central Soil Salinity Research Institute is situated at -Karnal ( HR)
  • What is the ideal location of greenhouse - North – South
  • According to ICMR vegetable required per capita per day is - 300 gram
  • Biggest tree of the world is - Baniyan Tree
  • Kisan call cente begun in the year - 2004
  • Net cultivated area of India is 143
  • Kisan divas is celebrated on - 23 Dec.
  • The share of agriculture in global warming is - Approx. 25 %
  • Environment day is celebrated on - 5 th June
  • Which element is responsible for nodulation in legumes - Phosphorous
  • Fingerprinting is related to which crop – Pineapple
  • yellow vein mosaic virus disease is related to - Bhindi
  • Which clay Mineral is dominant in Black soil - Montmorillonite
  • Sprouting in onion is controlled by the hormone of – MH
  • Which chemical/ hormone is used for regular bearing in mango? - Paclobutrozol (PP333)
  • High yielding variety of wheat was developed by N.E. Borlaug
  • Break down of clods, crusts and plant material by the impact of particles moved by wind in saltation is called as - Abrasion
  • A soil with a pH value less than 7 hence having more hydrogen ions than hydroxyl ions in the soil solution is called as - Acid Soil
  • The movement of ions and water into the plant root because of metabolic processes by the root, frequently against an electrochemical potential gradient is referred to as - Active absorption
  • The chemical in commercial product that is directly responsible for the herbicidal activity is called its -  Active ingredient
  • The transfer of heat energy my means of horizontal mass motions through a medium is termed as - Advection
  • A technique in growing plants where in the plants derive their nutrients and eater from a mist of air and aqueous solution that comes in contact with the roots is called - Aeroponics
  • A term proposed by Mc Gillchrist in 1965, which is a measure of how much a relative yield increase in component a is greater than for component b is known as - Aggressively
  • The removal of excess water known as free water or gravitational water from the surface of the farm land as to create favourable soil conditions for plants growth is called as - Agriculture drainage
  • The growing of agricultural crops along with the forest crop is known as - Agri- silviculture
  • A land units defined in terms of major climate and growing period, which is climatically the homogenous response of a crop or a farming system is called as - Agro-climatic zone
  • An alternative renewable fuel, produced from vegetable oils or animal fats through a refinery recess called trans-esterification is called as - Bio-diesel
  • In India, NRC for medicine and aromatic plants is located at – Anand
  • A branch of science, which deals with the stud of grasses, their classification, management and  utilization is called - Agrostology
  • The area that comprises of all the areas from which water flows out into a common river or water pool is called as - Catchment Area
  • A branch of science, that studies  the aspects of climate, which are relevant to  the problems of agriculture is called - Agro-climatology
  • A Medium, which resists change or a substance added to resist change in concentration of pH activity in a solution as called as - Buffer
  • The crop which is grown as a substitute for the main crop that has failed on account of unfavourable    condition is called as - Catch crop
  • The ratio of total cropped area in different seasons to the total land area is known as - Cropping intensity
  • The branch of agriculture which deals with scientific crop production and management is Agronomy
  • Cultivation of crops in Areas where rainfall is less than 750 MM per annum is known as - Dry farming
  • The study of the inter - relationship of living organisms with each other and with their environment in an agricultural system is called as - Agro- ecology
  • The crops that are grown to break the continuity of the agro-ecological situation of the field under multiple cropping systems are called as - Brake crop
  • The competitive interaction between the crop species in intercropping and sequential cropping through the release of chemical substances or toxins is called - Allelopathy
  • The chemical substance released by one species may inhibit more strongly plants of the producer species it self is termed as - Auto-inhibition
  • The production technique that combines agriculture and forestry, horticulture or animal husbandry on the same piece of land in the order to fully utilize the natural resources is called as - Agro-forestry
  • The fraction of the total solar radiation incident on a body that is reflated by it and expressed in percentage is called as – Albedo
  • A substance added to a soil for the improvement of its physical and chemical properties is called as – Ameliorant
  • An appropriate combination of farm enterprises i.e. cropping system, livestock, poultry, fisheries, forestry and the means available to the farmer to raise them for increasing profitability is called as - Farming systems
  • The scientist , who has been called as father of organic farming is -Albert Howard
  • The process of use of micro- organism to remove salts from soil is referred as Bioremediation
  • The organization that is related to export of Agricultural processed product ’ is - Agri- export zone
  • “Sugarcane Breeding Instituteis located at - Coimbatore
  • The ratio between water deficit to potential evapotranspiration and expressed in percentage is termed as - Aridity index
  • A term given by Donald in 1963 , Which is a measure to find out the yield of various crops when grown together as well as separately and indicating the yield per plant of different crops in mixture and their respective pure stand on an units basis is known as - Competition Index.
  • A biological model which is expected to perform or behave in a predictable manner a defined environment is known as - Ideotype

Thank You
Vikas Kashyap :)

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