





Q1.  Coorg is a commercial variety of? 

(a)   Tea

(b)   Rubber 

(c) Coffee 

(d)   Cherry 

(e)   Cocoa


Q2. The modified form of shelter wood strip system is?

(a) Wagner's Blender

(b)   Sylivi-pasture system

(c)   Eberhard's Wedge

(d)   Group shelterwood system

(e)   Homestead wedge system


3) In Tamilnadu, catamaran made up of 3-5 logs are in pattern and a specialized type made of 7 logs catamaran or kolamaram are used for catching flying fish. It's termed as? 

(a)  Dhingi

(b)   Catamaran

(c)   Andra type

(d)  Coromandel

(e)  Chilika


Q4. Rock phosphate is applied in?

(a) Acidic soil 

(b)   Neutral

(c)   Alkaline 

(d)   Saline 

(e)   Arid soils 


Q5. Find out the field capacity of the 3 bottom mould board plough of 25 cm working at 3km/hr is? 

(a) 0.750cm

(b)   0.250cm

(c)   1.75cm

(d)   2.50 cm

(e)   5.75cm


Q6. What is the purpose of pasteurization in milk?

(a)   To increase the acidity of milk 

(b)   To check the adulteration in milk

(c)   To check the growth of bacteria 

(d)   To reduce the size of fat globule 

(e) To destroy most of the pathogenic microorganism's disease-causing bacteria 


Q7. As per the first Advance Estimates of National Income and Expenditures released by national statistical official, ministry of statistics on Jan 29,2021. What is the Livestock sector contribution to overall GVA?

(a) 5.2 

(b) 4.3 

(c) 5.1 

(d) 4.8

 (e) 4.5


Q8. Sugarcane FRP will be applicable on a basic recovery of 10 per cent at present is? 

(a)  240

(b) 270

(c) 290

(d)   260

(e)   285


Q9. Prevention of brucellosis disease in goats can be done by taking measures like?

(a) Isolation, vaccination, blood test, culling of affected animals 

(b)   Clean hygiene 

(c)   Dipping in CuSO4 tank

(d)   Avoid Green fodder feeding 

(e)   Proper medication and antibiotics


Q10. In the colour chart of different diameter classes of trees, which class has no colour chart? (a) 20-30 cm

(b) 50-60 cm 

(c) 0-20 cm 

(d)   30-40 cm 

(e)   40-50cm


Q11. What is the diagnostic symptom of infestation of stem borer of maize?

(a) Caterpillars feed on the leaves and cause leaf curl and damage to crop.

(b) Caterpillars feed on the leaves and bore into stem and cob

(c)   Adults and nymphs feed on the crop and damage to leave 

(d)   Caterpillars feed on leaves and spots on leaves 

(e)   Nymphs feed on young leaves


Q12. ACABC take training from which of the following institute?

(a)   NABARD 

(b)   ICAR

(c) KVIC

(d) ATMA



Q13. In adiabatic dehumidification process, when humid air passes through desiccated cell   or material     then the materials humidity______ and temperature______? 

(a) Decrease-Decrease 

(b)   Increase-Decrease 

(c)   Decrease-increase 

(d)   Increase-increase

(e)   None of these


Q14. When plant is propagated by small tissue or part of plant is termed as?

(a)   Somatic hybridization 

(b)   Hybridization 

(c)   Micropropagation  

(d) Sexual propagation 

(e) None of these 


Q15. An advanced method of minimum tillage in which primary tillage is completely avoided and secondary tillage is reduced to row zone/seed bed zone only? 

(a) Zero tillage 

(b)   Ridge till 

(c)   Minimum tillage 

(d)   Stubble mulch farming 

(e)   Strip tillage


Q16. Which instrument is used to determine water content in milk?

(a)   Manometer 

(b)   Hydrometer

(c) Lactometer 

(d)   Hygrometer 

(e)   Hansa meter


Q17. Pusa Nanha variety of papaya is developed by?

(a) Somatic hybridization 

(b) Mutation

(c)   Selection

(d)   Heterosis 

(e)   Back cross


Q18. Cricket ball & Kalipatti variety of which crop?

(a) Guava

(b) Sapota

(c)   Plum 

(d)   Ber

(e)   Pear


Q19. Which soil ameliorants are used in sodic soil reclamation which is cheaper and easily available?

(a)   Iron pyrite 

(b)   Ammonium nitrate 

(c)   Lime 

(d) Gypsum

(e) Ammonium sulphate


Q20. Muga silk is reared on?

(a) Shorea robusta

(b) Som & Soalu 

(c)   Arjun 

(d)   Aonla leaves

(e)   Castor


Q21. RRI and its national research partners have developed Golden rice to complement and to?

(a)   Calcium 

(b)   Iron 

(c)   P deficiency

(d) Vitamin A 

(e) Vitamin E


Q22. Guava flesh pink spot variety which is also known as Sardar?

(a)   Alhabad safeda

(b)   Allahabad surkha  

(c) L-49

(d)   Safeda

(e)   None of these


Q23. Norin-10 is a source of? 

(a) Dwarf gene in rice 

(b) Dis. Resistance in maize 

(c) Dwarf gene in wheat

(d)   Dwarf gene in maize 

(e)   Dwarf gene of sorghum


Q24. Dual purpose breed of goat for meat + milk?

(a)   Marwari

(b)   Sanen

(c)   Black Bengal

(d)   Jakrana

(e) Beetal


Q25. Which technique do not transfer gene directly?

(a)   Micro injection

(b)   Particle bombardment 

(c) Explant culture & Transfer 

(d)   Electroporation

(e)   Chemical transfection


Q26. The tree which produces silk cotton and kapok?

(a) Ceiba Pentandra

(b)   Calotropis gigantea

(c)   Bombax ceiba 

(d)   Calotropis

(e)   Som and soalu

Q27. If an irrigation water source has the concentration of Na+, Ca++& Mg++ as 20, 10 & 8 milliequivalents per liter respectively, then sodium absorption ratio of this water? 

(a) 3.36

(b) 6.67

(c)   4.87

(d)   2.91

(e)   5.28


Q28.Curled toe paralysis in chicken due to?

(a) Vit- A 

(b) Vitamin-E 

(c)   Vitamin -B1 

(d)   Vitamin -B2 

(e)   Vitamin-D


Q29. Which of the following is bacterial infectious disease of fishery Disintegrating fins, blood on edges of fins, fin rays become brittle and lead to fin and tail rot? 

(a) Tail and fin rot 

(b)   Velvet

(c)   Dropsy 

(d)   Mouth fungus 

(e) Red pest


Q30. Growing plants out of a forest area where it was not present before and purpose is to increase the area under forest is known as?

(a) Extension forestry 

(b)   Asthetic forestry

(c)   Farm forestry 

(d)   Recreational forestry

(e)   Mixed forestry

Q31. TSS for sugarcane ripening determination- brix?

(a)   32

(b)   30 

(c)   10 

(d) 20

(e) 25


Q32. Boron deficiency indicator plant?

(a) Cauliflower 

(b) Sunflower 

(c)   Onion 

(d)   Potato 

(e)   Bajra


Q33. Loans against pledge hypothecation of agriculture produce (including warehouses receipts) for a period not exceeding 12 months subject to limit up to against NWR's/ENWRS?

(a)   100 Lakh 

(b)   25 Lakh 

(c) 75 Lakh 

(d)   50 Lakh 

(e)   5 Lakhs


Q34. The organism which can withstand a wider range of salinity is known as? 

(a) Oligohaline


(b)   Estuarine


(c)   Euryhaline 

(d) Stenohaline

(e) Tecno-hyaline


Q35. A basic component of protein & chlorophyll constituent, vegetation growth, skeletal nutrients and help in amino acid and protein formation?

(a)   Magnesium

(b)   Manganese

(c)   Potassium

(d)   Phosphorus

(e)   Nitrogen


Q36. Plant growth mechanisms towards the sunlight or other direction towards light is known as?

(a) Phototropism 

(b)   Photosynthesis

(c)   Photophosphorylation 

(d)   Photoperiodism

(e)   Photorespiration

Q37. Which among the following is isolation distance for certified seed production in okra? 

(a) 200 m

(b)   100 m 

(c)   50 m 

(d)   1000 m

(e)   800 m


Q38. Urea bag has been reduced from 50 kg to_____?

(a)   30 Kg 

(b)   25 kg 

(c)  45 kg 

(d)   35 kg 

(e)   40 kg


Q39.Oil content in groundnut?

(a)   33 to 43% 

(b)   20-24% 

(c)   15-20%

(d) 44 to 60%

(e) 25-32%


Q40. Which is used in rear of tractor transmission part for attaching combine harvester, mover, thresher etc. to tractor?

(a)   Hitch 

(b)   Tractor pully 

(c)   Battery 

(d)   Tractor Drawbar

(e) PTO


Q41. Which of the following fish has lung as a labyrinth? 

(a) Catla 

(b) Gourami 

(c)   Mrigal 

(d)   Rohu 

(e)   None of these


Q42. Akiochi disease in rice due to toxicity of?

(a)   S 

(b)   P 

(c)   CH4

(d)   Fe

(e) H2S


Q43. Potato tubers are cured___ at for 2 days and then at 7°C-10°C for 10-12 days at 90% relative humidity.?

(a)   10 °C

(b)   12 °C 

(c)   24 °C 

(d)   4 °C

(e)   18 °C 


Q44. A conical evergreen tree with dark green and silvery leaves, spirally arranged, broad leaves at a stage, no symmetry, grows in cool temperature?

(a)   Sheesham 

(b)   Haldu 

(c)  Deodar

(d)    Khair 

(e)     Teak 


Q45. Which among the following is the highest priority brackish water fish having high growth rate and can tolerate fluctuations in temperature?

(a)   Tiger prawn

(b)   White prawn

(c)   Lobster

(d)   Shrimp 

(e)   Milk Fish


Q46. Method of drainage that is used in high water table areas, hilly areas, under the surface?

(a)   gravity outlet 

(b)   Open channel 

(c) Tile drainage

(d)     Mole drainage

(e)     None of these


Q47. Exotic, crossbreed cow & buffalo for 5th month of pregnancy how much concentrate (other than maintenance) should be given?

(a)  1.5 kg 

(b)    0.5 kg 

(c)     1 kg

(d)    2.5 kg

(e)     3 kg


Q48. Zero tillage got successful because of?

(a)   Pesticides

(b)   Insecticides

(c)   Fungicides

(d)   Soil amendments

 (e) Herbicides


Q49. The structure enclosed agro-nets or any other woven material to allow required sunlight, moisture and air to pass through the gaps?

(a) Greenhouse 

(b) Shade net

(c)   Polyhouse 

(d)   Green House 

(e)   Hydroponics


Q50. Amrapali hybrid of mango is made by the cross between?

(a) Dasehari X Neelam

(b)   Dasheri X Baneshan 

(c)   Neelum X Dashehari

(d)   Banganapalli X Alphonso 

(e)   Alphonso X Banganapalli


Q51. The test is done to identify incomplete pasteurization in milk?

(a)   MBR

(b)   Alcohol

(c) Alkaline test 

(d)   Hansa test

(e)   COB test


Q52. Which among the following is a drought breed of cattle where cows are less milker, but bulls are best for cart & field purposes?

(a)   Red Sindhi 

(b)   Sahiwal

(c)   Gir

(d) Krishna valley

(e) Tharparkar


Q53. Which among the following is Primary + secondary tillage implements? (a) Disc harrow 

(b)   Clod crusher

(c)   Cultivator

(d)   Land leveller

(e)   Rotavator 


Q54. Leaf curl of chilli is transmitted by?

(a) Thrips

(b)   Whitefly 

(c)   aphid 

(d)   mites 

(e)   hopper 


Q55. Which goat breed from Switzerland is also known as milk queen in world? (a) Toggenburg 

(b) Barbari 

(c) Sanen 

(d)   Sirohi 

(e)   Anglo neubiun


Q56. Advance pregnancy symptoms in cattle when an embryo is out? (a) Anoestrus 

(b)     silent oestrus 

(c)     oestrus 

(d)     sexual impurities 

(e) Lapsing of uterus and vagina


Q57. Soil & water conservation method mostly used in hilly & mountain areas is?

(a)   Graded bunding

(b)   Zing terracing

(c)   Contour bunding

(d) Bench terracing

(e) Zig-Zag terracing


Q58. Imperfectly developed female unable to reproduce but possess all the maternal instinct & also defense mechanism has been developed and does the work for colony welfare? (a) Queen bee

(b) Drone 

(c) Worker bee

(d)   Solitary bee 

(e)   Owner bee


Q59. The main reason for seed dormancy is?

(a)  Physical cracking

(b) Immature embryo 

(c)   Distorted seed coat

(d)   Presence of pathogen

(e)   Fungal growth


Q60. The process in which immature green fruits turned into edible, desirable flavour, quality, colour, palatable nature with ethylene treatment?

(a) Ripening 

(b)   Disinfection 

(c)   Degreening

(d)   Precooling

(e)   Curing 

Thank you

Vikas Kashyap:)






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