- Overhead cost is known
as - Fixed cost
- Price theory is a branch of - Mico- Economics
- Average cost is equal
to - Total cost/Output cost
- Land rent is an example of - Fixed cost
- Prime cost
is also known
as - Variable
- Opportunity cost is
also known as - Alternative cost
- The father of economics is - Adam Smith
- Diminishing return is also known as - Law of variable
- The most effective way to overcome the defects of agricultural marketing is - Regulating marketing
- The law of variable
proportion is generally
referred to as the - Law of diminishing return production is a function of - Factors
- AGMARK act was enforced in a year – 1937
- In mixed farming, the contribution of livestock to gross farm income is - at least.
- Input -Output relationship is also known as - Production Function
- Those product,
in which two product produced together
are called - Joint product
- Dumping activity is seen under - Monopoly
- Export - Import bank of India was set up on - 1st January , 1982
- IRDP was stared in the year of - 2 Oct , 1980
- When marginal production is zero , then total production is – Maximum
- National demonstration \project was stared in the year.
- KVK is also known as - Farm science centre
- KVK was stared in the year - 1974
- Operational Research Project was stared in the year - 1974-75
- Lab to Land Programme (LLP) was stared in the year - 1979 June, 1
- National Agri. technology project was stared in the year - 1998-99
- KVK was recommended by - Mohan Singh Mehta Committee (1974)
- Community Development Project (CDP) was stared on – 1952
- National Extension Service (NES) was stared in the year - 1953
- Firka Development Scheme was launched under the guidance of National Commission of Agriculture was set up by government of India – 1970
- High Yielding Variety Programme (HYVP) was started in the year - 1966
- Marthendam programme
was started by - Dr. Spencer Hatch in 1921
- Etawah Pilot Project was started by - Mr.Albert Mayer in Sep 1948
- Indian Village Service was started in 1945 by - Mr. Arther T. Mosher and Shri BN Gupta
- The aim of Etowah
Pilot project is - Introducing intensive
work on the Rural reconstruction front.
- Intensive Agriculture District Programme
(IADP) was popularly known as - Package Programme
- IRDP was lunched on - 2 oct 1980
- National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) was launched in - Jan, 1979.
- T&V system
was evolved in - 1973 by Israeli expert Daniel Benor At Turkey.
- Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM) in - 1979
- Total number of KVK operating in the country till Dec. 2011 – 600
- Antaudya
Yojana was started in - 2 Oct 1977
- Sampoorna Grammeen Rojgar Yojna (SGRY) was started in the year -2001
- FCI was started in - 1970
- FISCAL commission was appointed in - 1949
- Multiple Cropping Programming was started in - 1966
- First Irrigation Commission was appointed in - 1901
- First Department of agriculture was established in - 1881
- The Extension work must be based on
the - Need and interest of people
- Father of Extension - J. Paul Leagons
- Father of Sociology - August Commte
- National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) was stared in – 2005
- Total number of National Bureaus are – six
- The most commonly used measure of control tendency
is - Arithmetic
- Cumulative frequency is also known as – Ogive
- The term “Kurtosis” was given by - Karl Pearon (1906)
- Laplace used the normal
distribution in - Analysis of errors of experiments.
- The important
method of least squares was introduced by -
Legendre in 1805
- The name “Normal distribution” was coined
independently by - Peirce Galton and Lexix, (1875)
- Normal distribution is also known as - Law of error,
Law of facility of error,
Lapace’s Seconf law, Gaussion law etc.
- Generalize mean is also known as - Power mean or Holder mean
- The standard deviation is widely used measure of - Variability ordisperson.
- Formula of coefficient of variance is - SD/Mean ×100
- t test
is generally used, when sample size is - < 30
- The correlation coefficient lies between - -1 to +1
- The experimental design, which simultaneously control the variation in two directions is known as - LSD
- The basic
principles of field
experimentation - 1 Replication 2 Randomized 3 Local control.
- The technique of analysis of variance was developed by - R.A. Fisher
- If fertility gradient of land is in two directions, the experimental design will be - Latin Square design
- The term standard deviation was first used by - Karl Pearson in 1894
- If Mean, Medium and Mode is equal, then skewness will be – zero
- Correlation’s are useful
because they can indicate a - Predictive relationship
- Which ANOVA is used when the experimenter want to study the effects of two or more treatment variables - Factorial ANOVA
- Which
ANOVA is used when the subjects are subjects to repeated measures? in which the
same subjects are used for each treatment - Two- Way Anova
- The completely randomized design is considered to be most useful in situation where:- (a). The experimental units are - Homogeneous. (b). The experimental are small such as - Laboratory experiments
- (c). Some experimental units are likely to be destroyed.
- t Test
is a - Parametric test
- The goodness of fit test is also known as - Kolmogorov - Smirnov test.
- The number of independent pieces of information that go into the estimate of a parameter is called - Degree of freedom.
- The typical symbol for degree of freedom is - d.f.
- F-test was coined
by -
George W. Snedecor, in honour of sir Ronald A fisher
- In field experiments the commonly used design is – RBD
- For chi- square test, the minimum sample size should be – 50
- Define
biometry - It deals
with observation with living thing
- Mean, Median and Mode are equal in - Normal Distribution
- Most frequent number in a data set, is known as - Mode
- The well-known example of skewed distribution is - Personal wealth
- Harmonic mean is the - Reciprocal of arithmetic mean
- The term z
- test is often used to refer specifically to the -
One sample location
- The term “Water Harvesting” was first used by – Myors
- The force working with the attraction of water molecules toward each other is known as - Cohesion
- The force working with the attraction of water molecules toward solid particles is known as – Adhesion
- The water held tightly to the surface of soil particles by adsorption forces is known as - Hygroscopic water
- Water held by force of surface as continuous film around soil particles and in capillary space is known as - Capillary water
- Capillary water is held between tension of 31 and 1/3 atmosphere
- the movement of water from the surface into the soil is Called - Infiltration
- The water moves freely in response to gravitational force and drain out of the soil is called as - Gravitational water.
- The water between field capacity & permanent wilting point is called as - Available water
- Drip irrigation concept was proposed by - Simcha blass
- One ha. Cm
of irrigation is equal to - 100000 litters
- Major source of irrigation in India is - Wells (52%)
- Which irrigation method is widely used in fruit orchard? - Bain method
- Intermittent on & off system used in irrigation method is best efficient method.