General Agriculture Most Important One Liners Questions Series Part - 1



General Agriculture Most Important One Liners Questions Series Part - 1



  1. Father of agronomy is - Peter decresenzi.
  2. Dr. Biwant Rajis the founder of Relay cropping.
  3. The Directorate of Farming System research is located at - Modipuram, Meerut U.P. Now it is renamed as Indian Institute of Farming System Research (IIFSR)
  4. Scientific study of mixed cropping was firstly done by - La-Flitze (1928)
  5. Relay cropping concept was derived from - Relay race.
  6. Natural Resource management is an example of Sustainable agriculture.
  7. Cropping System is a component of - Farming System
  8. When the sub crop are sown to supplement of yield of the main crop, the sub crops are known as - Augmenting Crops
  9. The main crop is grown in the centre, surrounded by hardly or thorny crops, the sub crop is known as -  Guard crops
  10. The yield of both crops, grown together are found to be higher than the yield of their pure crops on unit area, such cropping is known as - Synergetic Cropping
  11. What is a cash crops?  Those crops, which may be sold directly from the field without processing like Cotton, Potato etc.
  12. Formula of Cropping Intensity = Total Cropping Area /Total sown area × 100
  13. The growing of two or more crops on the same field in a year is called - Multiple cropping
  14. The practice of raising grasses or pasture, is known as – Ley Farming
  15. In India , the maximum acrea and production of wheat is in UP
  16. The type of fruit of wheat is Caryopsis.
  17. The optimum temperature for ideal germination of wheat is 20-25 °C
  18. Norin-10 gene was brought to USA by - S.C. Salamone 1984  
  19. The dwarf winter variety of wheat first time developed through using Norin gene by - Dr. O.A.Vogel (USA)
  20. Triple gene dwarf variety were released in 1970
  21. Which is double gene dwarf varieties of wheat - HD 2204, Janak, UP 215, Pratap, Kalyansona, Arjun,  Sonara 64
  22. Single gene dwarf varieties are - Sonalika, Girija, UP-262, Wl 711, Lerma Rojo 64A
  23. The protein found in wheat floor which is helpful for chapati making - Gluten
  24. Central Zig - Zag axis of wheat is called - Rachis
  25. Mexican dwarf wheat was evolved by - Dr. N. E. Borlaug
  26. The toxic alkaloid found in the leaves of sorghum crops is - Dhurin or HCN
  27. CSH 1 was released as first dwarf sorghum hybrid in 1964
  28. Which crop is known as camel crops - Sorghum
  29. Native of jowar is Africa (Ethiopia & Sudan)
  30. The maximum area & Production of jowar is in Maharashtra
  31. Jower is poor in lysine but rich in - Leucine
  32. The inflorescence of jower is called – Panicle
  33. First hybrid variety of bajara is HB-1 (1965) developed at PAU, Ludhiana
  34. Protein content in Bajra is 11-12 %
  35. Origin of  Bajra is Africa
  36. Bajra is sensitive to - Water logging and Acidic soil
  37. The largest producer state of cotton in India is - Gujarat
  38. Bad opening of balls is known as - Tirak
  39. In cotton , the maturity of fibre is judged by – Arealometer
  40. H-777 is the cultivar of cotton.
  41. Hybrid -4 is the first commercial cotton of the world developed by - Dr.C.T. Patel in 1970.
  42. The leaves of cotton becomes radish in colour due to decrease nutrient uptake and moisture.
  43. Origin of cotton is from - India
  44. Cotton belongs to - Malvaceae
  45. Intra - Specific hybrid of cotton is - Hybrid-6, Savita, Surya.
  46. Interspecific hybrid of cotton is - Varalaxmi , DCH-32 , HB -224 etc.
  47. One seed of cotton has 60000-80000 fibres.
  48. Ginning % = wt. of lint / wt. of seed cotton taken for ginning × 100
  49. The removal of lower leaves which come in contact with soil and lose their commercial value is known as priming process.
  50. Priming method is used in - Cigarette and wrapper tobacco
  51. The main aim of Topping and Desuckering is - to divert the energy and nutrient of plant from flower to leaves.
  52. The removal of the lateral branches or suckers or auxiliary buds is called - Desuckering
  53. Central tobacco research institute is situated at - Rajahmundri, AP (1947)
  54. The richest source of protein among the food grain is - Pulses
  55. Head quarter of directorate of pulses research is located in - Kanpur UP
  56. Which pulse crop doesn’t fix N2 from atmosphere - Rajma
  57. The word pulse is derived from - French world pottage or poride means - Soup (dal)
  58. The term legume is taken from - latin word - means to collect
  59. India is the largest producer of – Gram
  60. The sour taste of gram leaf is due to presence of - Maleic acid(60%) and oxalic acid.
  61. Shelling % of Pea is – 49%
  62. Harvest index of arhar is 19 % (Lowest)
  63. Origin of  Arhar is from – Africa
  64. Queen of cereals is called Maize.
  65. The composite cultivars of maize are - Kisan , Jawahar , Amber,Vijay, Sona, Vikaram etc.
  66. Maize is a C4 Plant.
  67. In India the rank first state in area and production of maize is UP.
  68. The maize Protein is called- Zein
  69. Male inflorescence of maize is called – Tassel
  70. The critical stage for water application in maize is - Tasseling and Silking stage
  71. Which Indian scientist shared World Food Prize for Miracle Maize - Dr. Surinder K. Vasal (2000)
  72. Origin of maize from - Mexico
  73. All India Coordinated Maize Improvement Project was started in - 1957 at New Delhi
  74. Double cross technique for hybrid seed production was developed by - D.F. Jones (1920)
  75. The idea of hybrid maize was first conceived by - E.M. East and G.H. Shull (1910)
  76. The criteria for harvesting of sugarcane - Withering of lower leaves, Brix 20 %, Sucrose 15 %
  77. Algin planting method of sugarcane is evolved by - Allahabad Agriculture Institute, Allahabad, UP
  78. Adsali sugarcane is common in Maharashtra.
  79. sugarcane is planted in furrows because - It reduce lodging.
  80. Inflorescence of sugarcane is generally called - Arrow or open panicle.
  81. Sucrose content in cane is - 13-14 %
  82. Sugar from juice is - 6-10%
  83. Hand Refrectometer reading for sugarcane maturity is 20
  84. Sugarcane Breeding Institute (SBI) is situated at - Coimbatore
  85. Adhsali Sugar cane crop mature in 18 months
  86. Father of hybrid rice is - Yuan Long Pin
  87. India’s first dwarf variety released during 1968 was Jaya.
  88. World’s first high yielding semi dwarf basmati rice variety is - Pusa Basmati - 1
  89. World’s first super rice variety for saline / alkaline soil – Lunishree
  90. Harvesting of paddy is done at moisture content - 21-23 %
  91. First mutant variety of rice is Jagannath (Gamma ray irradiation of T-141).
  92. Which gas is released from field of paddy - Methane (CH4)
  93. SRI (System of Rice Intensification) technique was originated in Madagascar in 1987 by Prof. Henry De Laulanie
  94. First super fine aromatic basmati hybrid is - Pusa RH-10
  95. Oilseed production programme was started during - 1990-91
  96. Technology mission on oilseed (TMO) was est. 1986
  97. National Research Centre for groundnut was Junagarh (Gujarat)
  98. Indian central Oilseed Committee was est. 1947
  99. All India Coordinated Project on Oilseeds was est. during 1967
  100. Main adulteration in mustered - Argemone mexicana oil.

Thank You
Vikas Kashyap:)

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