Terms related to crops
1. Curing:- Curing is a carefully controlled process of drying, used to achieve the texture, colour and quality of a specific type. During, curing leaf starch is converted into sugar, green colour vanishes. E.g -Tobacco and Tea
2. Stripping:- It is the process of removing the fibres from the stalk after completion of retting. E.g. -Jute
3. Nipping:- Removal of the tips of the young branches of Gram plant when it is 2 to 4 week old. E.g.- Gram
4. Parboiling:- It is process in which rice is soaked, steamed and dried in sun within thier husk.
5. Wrapping:- It is done in sugarcane just to provide mechanical support to the growth upcoming plant to prevent lodging. Example- Sugarcane
6. Propping:- Banana and Sugarcane
7. Detrashing:- It refers to the removal of unwanted bottom dry and Green leaves at regular intervals. E.g.- Sugarcane
8. Dehaulming:- It is the process in which vegetative part of potato (above the soil surface) is detached from tubers to prevent viral diseases.
9. Desuckering:- It is a process removal of the unwanted suckers from bottom to divert the energy to main produce. E.g.- Tobacco and Banana
10. Detasselling:- Removing of the immature pollen producing bodies from the top of the plants. e.g.- Maize
11. Pegging:- Development of pegs into the soil in Groundnut.
12. Retting:- It is a process in which the tied bundles of jute stalks are taken to the running water by which fibre get loose and separated from the woodstalk. Jute
13. Ginning:- Separation of cotton from seeds. e.g.- Cotton
15. Stalking:- Tieing the stems of tomato plants to support balanced and healthy fruiting. e.g- Tomato
16. Arrowing:- Flowering in Sugarcane
17. Ratooning:- Taking crop from the previously harvested and later germinated stubbles. e.g.- Sugarcane ad Berseem
18. Tipping:- Plucking the leaves from the tea plants. Also known as Tea Pruning.
19. Earthing up:- It is process in which the soil is drawn up to the base of the crops on the root area. e.g.- Potato and Sugarcane
20. Stenting:- Quick propagation method in Rose by cutting and grafting.
21. Looping:- Optimization of plant population in Lucerne.
22. Ribboning:- It is a process in which ribbons are stripped by mechanical from the stem of mature jute stalk.
23. Rabbing:- It is the process of burning of trashes, weeds or any organic matter on the soil surface in tobacco.
24. Delinting:- Removal of fuzz from cotton seed.
25. Denavelling:- Removal of male bud after female phase completion in banana.
26. HELIOTROPISM:- Response of plants to light direction. E.g.- Sunflower
27. Forking:- Multiple root formation in Carrot and looks like fork.
28. Blanching:- Covering the curd of Cauliflower by its own leaves to prevent harmful effects of direct sunlight.
29. Scuffling/ Soil stirring:- In established Coffee field, scuffling is done in dry periods to control weeds and conserve soil moisture.
30. Silking:- Emergenc of silk (female part) in Maize to obtain pollens from tassel.
Thank you💜
Vikas Kumar
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